Beekeeper Co.

Beekeeper Co. is a luxury property management business based in the NSW, Hunter Valley,
Beekeeper specialize in amazing property vacations, real estate styling & photography, property management and rental bookings.
A startup company, Beekeeper Co, came to Four-Stroke Creative with a complete Brand Design Identity Creation in mind, a build from the ground up! Together, we worked on Brand Identity, Logo Design, Web Design, Social Media Development and a full suite of responsive graphics for all on and offline touch-points.


When we set out to create Beekeeper Co, we knew that we wanted our brand to reflect the luxury and sophistication of our services. We also wanted it to be unique and instantly recognizable. To achieve these goals, Beekeeper turned to Four-Stroke Creative for help. We created a suite of fully responsive graphics that could be used across all online and offline touchpoints. Throughout the entire process, we kept the brand message front and center, ensuring that every element aligned with the Beekeeper Co. vision.


A well-designed brand can make all the difference in the success of a business. After careful development of a strong logo, identity, and color palette, we then applied them to all touch points of the business. This consistent application gives Beekeeper Co. a professional and luxurious feel. The dark green and copper gold worked together beautifully, and the bee icon is strong, luxurious, and elegant - exactly what we were going for in the initial branding brief. This attention to detail paid off, the Beekeeper Team were impressed with the overall look and feel of the initial branding concept.


A well-designed website is essential for any business looking to make a lasting impression on its customers. That's why, when we set out to design a website for Beekeeper Co., we knew that we had to create something special. We started by creating custom fonts, logos, colors and imagery that were consistent with the company's branding across all touch-points. Then, we designed a responsive website that showcased modern interactive design, custom graphic elements, icons and animations. Finally, we added client input forms to act as a perfect landing page for future Beekeeper customers. The result is a website that perfectly captures the brand's personality and makes a strong impression on anyone who visits it.


As a business owner, it's important to have a holistic strategy that encompasses all channels, both online and offline. That's why Beekeeper Co. decided to invest in custom branding, website design, social media management, and advertising. By having a strong presence across all channels, they're able to reach more potential customers and drives growth both on and offline. The automated design and web management system makes it easy for them to keep their branding consistent and their website up-to-date, while the social media creation and graphic design support help them generate exposure in new key growth market areas. As a result of this multi-channel approach, Beekeeper Co. is seeing increased foot traffic to their brand as is positioned well for great future growth,

Designing for Beekeeper was an awesome project. As a Start-Up online business, we had to create a brand that would stand the test of time in an ever changing luxury property space. We wanted to design something that would convey the luxury branding elements while still being approachable and friendly. The Beekeeper logo is a great example of this - the simple bee icon is luxurious and modern, but the chic dark emerald green and copper gold color scheme keeps it approachable & stylish. We're really proud of the work we did and we're excited to see the team's success in the future. Thanks to our design work, Beekeeper is off to a strong start - they've already been featured in numerous publications and have attracted interest from other luxury suppliers and retailers. We can't wait to see whats next for Beekeeper Co.


And Four-Stroke Creative is your brand mechanic.
You're not just a client. You're a partner, We're not just a creative agency. We're a group of likeminded people with a passion for crafting unique brand experiences that accelerate & excite.

When it comes to engines, the goal is always smooth operation. And at Four-Stroke Creative, we apply that same philosophy to our approach to success. Just like a four-stroke engine, we carefully plan each phase - or stroke - of a project, from intake to compression to combustion and finally exhaust.

This methodical process allows us to consistently deliver high-quality work that surpasses expectations and fuels our clients' success. And just like an engine's emissions, our impact is clean and sustainable, leaving a positive mark on the industry and community. At Four-Stroke Creative, success looks like seamless execution and lasting impact.
So why not rev up your next project with Four-Stroke Creative?
So whether you're just starting up, or your ready for a refresh, Contact us today to see how we can help fuel your brands success. Get in Touch today.

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