HVNLY is a natural skincare company based out of the Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia. They create soothing skincare elevated by nature's finest ingredients. We worked with HVNLY to create their brand from the ground up. We worked on a complete branding package which included logo, brand identity, product packaging, and website design, apparel, print and art direction. The result is a strong and honest brand that reflects the company's values of inclusivity, environmental sustainability, and positive social impact.


We worked with Hvnly to design the initial custom brand logo and colour palette. The logo needed to reflect the hemp leaf and contain earthy brown neutral tonal colours, and the branding is to be used across skincare packaging. The circular logo represents the cyclical nature of life, while the calming colours and earthy vibe help to promote a sense of peace and wellbeing. The branding is intended to create an emotional connection with customers, and we believe that it achieves this goal.


We worked with HVNLY to develop a range of custom packaging for the skincare range. The challenges with this project were to create cohesive branding that is modern yet draws inspiration from vintage apothecary. Our team went above and beyond, researching historical references and creating multiple design concepts before landing on the perfect solution. The finished product is a line of beautiful, minimalist packaging that perfectly complements the natural ingredients in the products.


When we embarked on redesigning the website for our client, we knew that their goal was to create a space that was not only visually stunning, but also on trend and modern. We worked closely with the team at HVNLY to develop a custom eCommerce website that perfectly showcases the skincare products whilst staying to true to brand tone. The website is sleek and minimalistic, we used earthy tones and custom assets throughout the site to create a cohesive brand identity that was carried through both on and offline.


The earthy tones and clean lines are in keeping with the brand's aesthetic, and the overall effect is cohesive and polished. In addition to the website, we also designed a comprehensive web strategy that includes social media advertising and offline marketing collateral. The end result is a complete brand identity that is professional and engaging, both online and offline.

When HVNLY came to us, they had a great product, but needed help with branding and identity design. First, we took a look at their target market and competitors to get a sense of what would work best for them. Then, we created a logo and brand identity that reflected their earthy, natural products. We also designed a cohesive branding strategy that included earthy colours and the hemp leaf logo across all areas of print, digital and web. Finally, we provided complete creative services for all aspects of their online and offline presence, from web design to social media to packaging. Thanks to our efforts, HVNLY now has a strong, recognizable brand that accurately reflects their earth-friendly values.


And Four-Stroke Creative is your brand mechanic.
You're not just a client. You're a partner, We're not just a creative agency. We're a group of likeminded people with a passion for crafting unique brand experiences that accelerate & excite.

When it comes to engines, the goal is always smooth operation. And at Four-Stroke Creative, we apply that same philosophy to our approach to success. Just like a four-stroke engine, we carefully plan each phase - or stroke - of a project, from intake to compression to combustion and finally exhaust.

This methodical process allows us to consistently deliver high-quality work that surpasses expectations and fuels our clients' success. And just like an engine's emissions, our impact is clean and sustainable, leaving a positive mark on the industry and community. At Four-Stroke Creative, success looks like seamless execution and lasting impact.
So why not rev up your next project with Four-Stroke Creative?
So whether you're just starting up, or your ready for a refresh, Contact us today to see how we can help fuel your brands success. Get in Touch today.

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