Prince Elite Field Hockey

When it comes to elite field hockey, Prince Elite is a new name on the US Hockey Coaching scene. Based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Prince Elite is dedicated to supporting the growth of the sport for all ages. As part of their mission, they strive to provide a fun and safe environment for young athletes to develop their skills. Headed up by former Team USA and Olympian Hannah Prince, this team is destined for greatness. We knew that Prince Elite required a strong visual identity and brand that would represent the elite nature of the team while also supporting its future successes.


We started the intake process with an intensive design process to come up with a branding solution that would meet the requirements set out by Prince. We broke down the project into four stages, just like a four-stroke engine. First, we intake all of the information about the team and their goals. Next, we compress that information into key ideas and concepts. Then, we combust those concepts into visual graphics and branding materials. Finally, we exhaust all of our efforts into creating a complete brand identity for Prince Elite that will help them achieve success in the future. Thanks to our comprehensive approach, Prince Elite is ready to take their place as one of the top field hockey teams in the country.


The design of the crown logo was a very deliberate process. Prince Elite was set on a crown icon that is immediately recognizable and would perfectly represent the brand. The purple and gold colour's are powerful and strong, and we felt they would be perfect for our needs. We also knew that Prince wanted a logo that would be versatile and could be used in a variety of contexts and applications.


We focused on creating a strong brand identity that would reflect their values of strength and nobility. They chose purple and gold as their colours, which work well together and across all mediums. The crown logo was designed to be both iconic and easily recognizable. It was also important to the team that the branding be consistent across all touch points, from print to web to apparel.


The crown iconography was designed to be both eye-catching and easily remembered, while the font needed to be legible from a distance. In short, every element of the Prince Elite brand needed to work together to create a cohesive look that would appeal to consumers. We're extremely happy with the outcome of the project and feel confident that Prince Elite now has a powerful visual identity that will help them stand out in the marketplace.

Designing for Prince Elite Field Hockey was an exciting challenge. The team is new and still growing, so we had to create a brand that would be adaptable as the team grows and changes. We wanted to design something that would convey the elite nature of the team while still being approachable and friendly. And of course, we wanted to support the team's mission of promoting field hockey. We're really proud of the work we did and we're excited to see the team's success in the future.


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